Walking Tours

You will find, in the entrance area of ​​our guesthouse, a folder with 14 walks, which are structured according to length and difficulty. The individual tours each contain a detailed map with directions, tips on attractions and of course refreshments.

You can borrow the folders for the duration of your stay with us and take them to the room and browse. The hiking maps are individually laminated, which are extra to take along on your tour.


Hiking app for your smartphone

To make your holiday in Eußenheim even more enjoyable, the community of Eußenheim has already published over 80 different hiking trails around the municipality on the Internet. More information can be found on the website www.1200jahre-eussenheim.de (please link) / Guest information


Guided walks

Gerne können wir für Sie auch einen fachkundigen Wanderführer buchen, der Sie unterwegs auf die geologischen Besonderheiten unserer schönen Gegend hinweist und Ihnen mit Geschichten und Anekdoten den Weg „würzt“. Z. B. Wanderung zum einzigen fränkischen Edelweiß, Kräuterführung, Orchideenführung oder die Führung “Bäume erzählen Geschichten”.

We are also pleased to book a guided tour through the wine and health route for one of our winegrowers, including wine tasting in the middle of the vineyard, so that you can immediately see, taste and smell the wine and grapes.



Oh, what is blooming on the wayside?

Because of this question Mr. Kleinwechter has made the effort and has researched the Early Mass way. Armed with a camera, he photographed every flower and every plant and collected them, with a description, in a folder. Ordered by colors it facilitates the search for the discovered plant. Of course, this folder can never be complete, because of new discoveries but also old plants are blooming again and again. But maybe your encounter is underneath and if not, we look forward to your picture.

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